Meet the Team
Our Coaches
Our coaches are committed to providing a positive environment for motivating players to improve their athletic performance and personal development. All of our coaches are given opportunities and financial support to advance their NCCP certifications and ASA licensing.

We are dedicated to providing high-level technical training and leadership that results in healthy physical development, skill improvement, and positive social and community growth.
Our exceptional team is an integral part of a player's experience in soccer and without our volunteer coaches and technical trainers, we wouldn't have the success we have today!
Our Technical Trainers
Sinisa Matic
Technical Director
(Coach Bio)
Armando Sanchez-Lona
GoalKing Director
(Coach Bio)
Mario Dolanjski
Technical Assistant Director
Moe Chehimi
Technical Trainer
Amer Assem
Technical Trainer (C license)
Steven Spencer
Technical Trainer
Amanda Torres
Technical Assistant
Developing the Player and the Person
We are a group of dedicated and knowledgeable soccer enthusiasts.
We are dedicated to high quality coaching leadership that results in healthy physical development, skill improvement, and positive social and community growth.
SW Sting soccer is committed to providing the best soccer experience possible for its players and volunteers.