Coach's Cave
Coaches Code of Conduct
SW Sting FC and the South West Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (SWEMSA) is committed to the Responsible Coaching movement. Coach/Ref | EMSA South West
Coaching Resources
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) Coach's Corner
2020 Summary of Changes for Laws of the Game
EMSA South West Coaches Code: Concussion Information, Injury Report, Heading Policy
Alberta Soccer Association Coaching Licensing
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) Coaching Course
Ethical Decision Making Courses
Alberta Sport NCCP Course Calendar
Coaching Association of Canada: The Locker Room
2018 Game Format Recommendations
EMSA Code of Conduct, Rules and Discipline
Alberta Soccer Association (ASA)
Canada Soccer Association (CSA)
ASA Travel Sanctioning and Permits
Mandatory Post Season and Premiere Committment contracts are found below under "Interested in Coaching" section. Please ensure when assembling teams that we are compliant of EMSA Out of Zone players and maximum roster size. (p. 19, Section 4.7 Imports EMSA Rules & Regulations)
Coaches please remember to keep record on team snap of posted EMSA league final standings for team stats and future tournament requests.

Interested In Coaching?
SW Sting FC Coaching Applicants must:
- provide a soccer resume noting coach and/or playing experience including any pertinent certifications and provide references upon request
- apply for a security clearance Download the Police Information Check Application Form and Third Party Notification Form; ID requirements
- be willing to promote the core values of SW Sting FC and sign the EMSA Team Acknowledgement Form and Post Season Play & Premiere Club Commitment Form
- be willing to develop as a coach including NCCP or ASA coach training and related opportunities that our club will financially support or provide.
A minimum of one (1) coach per team participating in the EMSA programs regardless of age, group, tier, or gender, must obtain ANY coach qualification as follows;
i) Certification by ASA (ASA/NCCP Courses)
ii) Certification Courses by EMSAEMSA is offering a number of coaching courses for all levels. Courses are 3 hours in length consisting of one hour of classroom and two hours on the field. These courses are non transferable for ASA or NCCP certification.
ASA mandates that (1) team official from each team qualifying in the Indoor or Outdoor Provincial Championships must fulfill the minimum coaching requirements for the appropriate level below:
- Competition Coaching Requirement U13-U18 Tier I:
Full Coach Certificate (license C, B, or A) OR
Soccer for Life + Making Ethical Decisions (MED) online- U13-U19 Tiers II-IV: NCCP Community Sport Coach Senior OR Soccer for Life.
- U9/U11 Tiers I-IV: NCCP Community Coach Youth OR
Learn to Train OR Soccer for Life Note: While not required for all Competitions, Alberta Soccer and SW Sting FC recommends all coaches take the online MED module.ASA COACHING COURSES: FUNdamentals, Learn to Train, Soccer for Life and LICENSE C, B, A
All coaching courses taken while currently active with SW Sting FC will be reimbursed upon receipt of completion.
Developing the Player and the Person
We are a group of dedicated and knowledgeable soccer enthusiasts.
We are dedicated to high quality coaching leadership that results in healthy physical development, skill improvement, and positive social and community growth.
SW Sting soccer is committed to providing the best soccer experience possible for its players and volunteers.