Safe Sport and SW Sting FC

SW Sting is committed to providing a Safe Sport environment for all its participants. With guidance from the Alberta Soccer Association, we are striving to ensure that anyone involved in our club is able to thrive and perform at their best without fear of abuse, neglect or other mistreatment. We recognize that this is a collective effort that requires training and education and are working to identify, prevent and address any areas where maltreatment can occur.


Visit the following resources for more information about Safe Sport:

Respect In Sport

Safe Sport Resources & Reporting

Resources for Parents

Safe Environment


If you have concerns about safety at SW Sting FC, please contact us.

Developing the Player and the Person

We are a group of dedicated and knowledgeable soccer enthusiasts. 

We are dedicated to high quality coaching leadership that results in healthy physical development, skill improvement, and positive social and community growth.

SW Sting soccer is committed to providing the best soccer experience possible for its players and volunteers.