U7/U9 Development Teams
What To Expect in U7/U9
- FUNdamentals. 60 mins training or practice sessions
- General Movement, Coordination, Technique, Small Sided Games
- Technical skills revolve around core skills such as controlling the ball, dribbling, shooting, fakes, turns, and passing
- Develop dribbling with sole, inside and outside of the foot
- Develop short passing with inside of the foot
- Introduce receiving with inside and outside of foot and instep, and shooting while dribbling

U7 teams:
- Licensed, dedicated, grassroots coaches that help the players develop motoric and cognitive skills required to learn the game of soccer
- Emphasis is given to instill the love for the game at this early stage through fun drills that awaken the "hunger" to acquire better soccer skills throughout the season
- No Player ID cards required
- No league standings
- Players are expected to commit to 1-2 practices a week plus Technical Training once a week (usually on the weekends)
- U7 Ball size is #3
- The games played are interim with possibility of Jamboree style games upon availability from the other clubs
Examples of what you can expect from the training for this age group can be found here:
U9 teams:
- Play 7 vs. 7 (including goalkeeper)
- U9 ball size is #4
- Developmental level of soccer coached by licensed NCCP coach
- Players are expected to commit to 1-2 team practices and 1-2 games per week depending on the season (indoor or outdoor) plus the Technical Training (10-12 Technical practices per season)
- Entry in up to 2 tournaments (SW Sting FC includes 1)
- Player ID cards are required
- There are league standings
For this age group, players are expected to possess basic motoric and coordination skills along with some technical skills such as dribbling the ball at speed, controlling the ball with various body parts (no hands or head).
Examples of what you can expect from the training for this age group can be found here:
To fully develop their creativity and enjoyment of the game, children have to have the freedom to try things out at practice, to play freely and without interference. Experience shows us that players will compete even in the absence of league standings. All young players understand that soccer is a game for scoring goals and “winning”. The absence of league titles does not diminish each player’s desire to compete each time they have a soccer match. When coaches in U7/U9 leagues choose the “win at all costs” approach and/or parents criticize or pressure their children, poor player development is the most frequent result. The aim for this age group should not be to win games, but to develop and promote each player. Every child is equally important! SW Sting FC has adopted the Canada Soccer Association philosophy to focus on a broad-based player development. In addition, SW Sting FC adheres to the Alberta Soccer Association’s mandate that there are NO tryouts at the U7 level – the focus is on inclusion, skill development, and fun! There are formal try-outs for U9 teams.
Developing the Player and the Person
We are a group of dedicated and knowledgeable soccer enthusiasts.
We are dedicated to high quality coaching leadership that results in healthy physical development, skill improvement, and positive social and community growth.
SW Sting soccer is committed to providing the best soccer experience possible for its players and volunteers.